Code Now


Use C# code with Dynamics NOW!

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Version Release date Number of downloads Rating 4/7/2021 11:26:20 AM 25805 0.00
1.0.21 4/4/2021 9:33:19 PM 681 0.00
1.0.20 11/13/2017 5:17:33 AM 61871 5.00
1.0.19 11/13/2017 5:12:43 AM 982 0.00
1.0.18 11/13/2017 4:12:56 AM 982 0.00
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Linn Zaw Win () - version 1.0.20
A great tool to run C# code snippets directly from XrmToolBox without creating a console application
Octavian Breazu () - version 1.0.20
This tool as one of the best and useful tools I have used for CRM development. It not only saved me a lot of time by not forcing me to use Visual Studio to run my C# snippet code, but it is also easy and straight forward to use. It is in the same class as the famous LinqPad which I've also used a lot in the past. Congratulations and many thanks to the developer!!
ben mcgee () - version 1.0.20
This is a great addition to the XrmToolBox. Highly recommended!
Ankush Chikhale () - version 1.0.20
I find this tool very helpful. Usually I used to create c# console tool to connect with Environment. But this tool already exposed console as just mere connection to Environment. Thank you for this wonderful tool.
Roberto Alonso () - version 1.0.20

Related information

Author: Alex Shlega Latest version: Released on: 04/07/2021 Nuget package Id: TreeCat.XrmToolBox.CodeNow Open Source: false Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 5Average rating 5Number of ratings Downloads 25805Latest version 147488All versions 11345.23Average per version Tags Development