Auto Number Manager


The primary goal of this tool is to give Microsoft Power Platform customizers a way of managing Auto Number attributes.
This feature was introduced with the 9.0 release from October 2017. However, this release only supports creating and managing these attributes through the SDK, a user interface for the features was expected to be available from the 9.1 release of the platform.

With Auto Number Manager for XrmToolBox, you can create, alter, and delete these attributes through an easy-to-use UI.

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Latest version release notes

* Updated to Latest 'n Greatest versions of XrmToolBox and Microsoft CRMSDK libraries!
* Tiny descriptions and links updated.
* Moving documentation to my common site:


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
1.2023.12.1 12/2/2023 12:14:41 PM 9266 0.00
1.2019.4.1 4/29/2019 1:15:11 PM 54810 5.00
1.2019.2.2 2/8/2019 3:32:45 PM 7656 0.00
1.2018.8.1 8/2/2018 12:35:01 PM 18045 4.50
1.2018.6.1 6/15/2018 2:21:49 PM 7280 5.00
Show more versions (7 more)


Latest version

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Other versions

Mark Carrington () - version 1.2019.4.1
Even though you can create an autonumber field in the maker portal, I still found this tool very useful to let me migrate an existing text field to be an autonumber field and manage the sequence number during a data migration project.
Linn Zaw Win () - version 1.2019.4.1
With this functionality available in the maker portal, this tool is probably not required for most of the scenarios. It served its purpose.
Ram V () - version 1.2019.4.1
Leti Chav () - version 1.2019.4.1
Alexei Poplutin () - version 1.2018.8.1
Great tool. Would be even better if handle Exception when erase formatting and click update. Checkbox "do not require SEQNUM" was not obvious for me. Thanks!
Hasan Rameh () - version 1.2018.8.1
abderrahmani mohammed () - version 1.2018.6.1
Craig White () - version 1.2018.3.1
Nice work Jonas! Fantastic helper when MS fails to provide :)
Roberto Alonso () - version 1.2018.2.1
Scott Sewell () - version 1.2018.2.1
This makes it trivially easy to set up a new autonumber field. (I used KingswaySoft to back-populate existing records and it all worked together perfectly.)
Njaka MISAHARISON () - version 1.2017.10.8

Related information

Author: Jonas Rapp Latest version: 1.2023.12.1 Released on: 12/02/2023 Nuget package Id: Rappen.XrmToolBox.AutoNumManager Open Source: true Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 5Average rating 11Number of ratings Downloads 9266Latest version 191652All versions 15971.00Average per version Tags Data Customizations Development Configuration