Audit Explorer Plugin


A XrmToolBox Plugin that helps in the attribute and entity audit analysis.

Latest version release notes

Bug Fixing:
- Package publish with wrong version


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
1.2019.10.3 10/15/2019 7:56:28 PM 46819 4.33
1.2019.10.1 10/13/2019 10:06:25 AM 1568 0.00
1.2019.9.2 9/8/2019 10:12:16 AM 2215 0.00
1.2018.5.2 5/22/2018 9:43:37 PM 30377 3.33
1.2018.5.1 5/5/2018 5:39:47 PM 1070 0.00


Latest version

Marco Aurélio da Silva ()
Amdezion Pro ()
This is a great tool, and it would have been even more useful if there is an option to filter the results by Operation or Action.
Linn Zaw Win ()
A good tool to analyse the audit data within a date range by exporting to Excel file. It would be better to have more options to filter the row (e.g. FetchXML)

Other versions

Abdul Wahab () - version 1.2018.5.2
This tool is very slow and not reliable. I am finding data between dates and it is not retrieving correct data. I don't know what is the issue? Please make it reliable.
David Fraticelli () - version 1.2018.5.2
This tool is really cool and useful. It can extract audit data for specific entities that you really can't get out of the box. What would make this tool even better would be to provide Fetch XML to go along with the data extract.
Aldo Gillone () - version 1.2018.5.2
Excellent Tool !! Very helpful and easy to use.

Related information

Author: Mário Encarnação Latest version: 1.2019.10.3 Released on: 10/30/2019 Nuget package Id: MESquare.XrmToolBox.AuditExplorer Open Source: true Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 4Average rating 6Number of ratings Downloads 46819Latest version 82049All versions 16409.80Average per version Tags Data