

Generates JS files with entity name constants. Field constants, enums for option-set values for readable code.

Latest version release notes

In this release -
1. Support for Search.
2. UI Improvements.

Refer Readme.txt for earlier release details.


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating 2/15/2024 9:21:47 AM 2403 0.00 2/10/2024 10:19:07 AM 217 0.00 10/18/2023 9:18:24 AM 1552 0.00 5/1/2023 10:08:51 AM 1866 0.00 2/22/2023 6:03:55 AM 1077 4.00
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Linn Zaw Win () - version
The tool is simple, functional and bug-free. However, there is still room for improvement to - allow filtering/searching the tables/columns so that the user does not have to scroll through the whole list to find a specific value - show the logical names of the tables/columns and allows sorting by logical names as well - multi-select the items in bulk (e.g. click one item, Shift + click another item down in the list, enter the Space bar to check all selected items). Use case: Sort the tables by entity logical name and multi-select all custom tables with the prefix xyz_. - Bulk generate attribute constant files with all attributes for multiple selected tables - Bulk generate attribute constant files with all attributes for tables in a particular solution

Related information

Author: Narendra Magare Latest version: Released on: 02/15/2024 Nuget package Id: JSConstantGenerator Open Source: false Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 4Average rating 1Number of ratings Downloads 2403Latest version 7385All versions 738.50Average per version Tags Development