Power Automate Flow Explorer


Flow Explorere is comparable to a CTRL + F functionality, it enables users to search for specific keywords within all the Flows associated with a Solution.
Use Case Example 1: Prior to deleting a column from a Dataverse table, users can employ Flow Explorer to verify if the column is referenced in any Flows.
Use Case Example 2: In response to Microsoft's deprecation of a specific action (e.g., in a wave release), organisations can utilise Flow Explorer to identify all affected Flows.
Use Case Example 3: Developers seeking to reference actions from a previously created Flow can leverage Flow Explorer to search through all flows in their Dataverse environment and locate the relevant Flow, even if they cannot recall its exact name.

Latest version release notes

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Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
1.0.4 9/11/2024 11:36:43 AM 1893 5.00
1.0.3 9/11/2024 10:35:37 AM 124 0.00
1.0.2 8/22/2024 11:33:17 AM 120 0.00
1.0.1 8/16/2024 2:13:14 PM 134 0.00
1.0.0 8/16/2024 11:00:30 AM 129 0.00


Latest version

Subbu Naga ()
Very nice and useful.. thank you
Sravani Nakkala ()
Awesome tool
Narasimha Kavuru ()
Nice feature for power automate developers.

Other versions

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Related information

Author: Sohaib Ahmad,Adnan Qazi Latest version: 1.0.4 Released on: 09/11/2024 Nuget package Id: FlowExplorerBySolutionParkAU Open Source: false Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 5Average rating 3Number of ratings Downloads 1893Latest version 2400All versions 480.00Average per version Tags