Delta Plugins : Local Assembly vs CRM


Find out which Plugin differences you have between your CRM Assembly and your Local one.

Latest version release notes

Loading assembly will now retrieve properly the Workflows which are linked to a subclass of CodeActivity.
Added a quick button to access the project page from the help window.

Reordering results.
Various bug fixes, checks and improvements of code in the background.
Introducing a help page.

Added extra details related to the plugins loaded from the CRM.
Fixed few issues related to concurrency of thread.
Updating to support latest XrmToolBox version.

Allow the plugin to log anonymous data, in order to improve the most used features and develop the others.

Integration of the workflows in the assembly comparaison.
Ability to either compare Plugins and workflows or only one of each based on what is in your assembly.

Added an auto resize of the panel.
Improved few background processes.

Compare plugins contained into your local assembly against the plugins on your CRM assembly


Version Release date Number of downloads Rating
1.2019.3.22 3/20/2019 8:51:21 PM 44848 5.00
1.2019.3.21 3/20/2019 7:11:51 PM 668 0.00
1.2018.7.20 7/24/2018 11:47:55 AM 20521 0.00
1.2018.4.19 4/24/2018 11:15:38 AM 12188 0.00
1.2018.1.18 1/26/2018 10:03:52 PM 15727 5.00
Show more versions (4 more)


Latest version

Recep Cifci ()

Other versions

Dev User () - version 1.2018.1.18

Related information

Author: Clement O. Latest version: 1.2019.3.22 Released on: 03/20/2019 Nuget package Id: Carfup.XTBPlugins.DeltaAssemblyvsCrm Open Source: true Go to project web site Ratings (all versions) 5Average rating 3Number of ratings Downloads 44848Latest version 224767All versions 24974.11Average per version Tags Troubleshooting Customizations Development Plugins Comparison